Sevardent JV

JV for government proposals

Branding and UI Design for Sevardent JV



Sevardent is a joint venture between Seventh Sense Consulting and Ardent aimed at winning government contracts for small business classifications.

Since 2020 I have been working on branding, marketing collateral, and UI web design and development. This task involves working with decision makers and marketing teams in both companies to create a coherent, accurate, attractive JV that can win small business contracts.


 Role Mission Timeline
Create brand and assets, marketing collateral, end-to-end UI design and front end web development working with teams in both companies Accurately brand and showcase Sevardent's capabilities as an attractive JV that can win and deliver on contracts Aug 2020 - Apr 2022



New brand, website, and collateral

Sevardent JV Logo Sevardent JV Site UI
Sevardent JV Marketing Collateral
Sevardent JV Capabilities


Existing issues

Sevardent is a new JV conceptualized in August of 2020. This JV would need everything from a brand, logo, website, and marketing collateral to showcase its capabilities and win contracts.



I worked alongside teams and decision makers from both companies to create a cohesive brand and showcase the strengths of the combined JV. The logo contains elements of both brands, the marketing collateral is a comprehensive collection of combined capabilities and awards. I was able to design and launched the website in a short time frame to meet certain deadlines for contract acquisition. Today, Sevardent JV is still winning contracts and delivering on mission.

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