
The fastest routes around you

Bwaaap Logo Feature



Bwaaap is an app that allows users to create specific waypoints around town and keeps track of their travel times between the waypoint intervals. The users can then share their achieved times to compare and find the fastest routes between points.


 Role Mission Timeline
Create brand and assets, marketing collateral, end-to-end UI design working with the CEO and development team Accurately brand and showcase Bwaaap to generate interest from the target user demographic July 2019 - Mar 2021



Branding, app UI, marketing collateral

Bwaaap Logo Feature Bwaaap UI
Bwaaap Avatar Feature Bwaaap Cards


Existing issues

Bwaaap would need everything from a brand, logo, app UI, and marketing collateral to launch and attract the target demographic.



I worked alongside the Bwaaap team to create a brand themed after a cyberpunk feel and taking elements from the sythnwave genre in order to appeal to the targeted group.

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